Saturday, August 9, 2008

Back to Shannon

Here I sit at 7:00 a.m. in the church office, thinking of all of the things I need to cram into today in order to relax with my family this afternoon. Well, I'm not sure if relax is the appropriate word. You see, we're headed to the James River for a camping extravaganza--with any luck, there'll be another family brawl to keep it interesting. Just kidding! But it is fun to reenact those moments from get-togethers goneby. This camping trip is a send-off for my neice, Shannon, who leaves her home, bound for Iraq, in 10 days.

I'm actually multi-tasking as I type, downloading video to edit for tomorrow's church service.

Back to Shannon.
I thought about getting sappy, reminiscing about the days when this skinny freckled-face girl would scoot off the bus, burst into my house, and say what she said everyday: "I'm hungry. Can I have a piece of bread?"

Video is still recording. I have to finish it quickly so I can take my mother shoe shopping before we leave for the James River.

Back to Shannon.
Last year she married the love of her life, David, on a breathtakingly beautiful (and smoldering hot) day alongside a pond nestled between rolling green acres of earth. It was a rushed wedding, little preparation involved. There was an overwhelming sense of urgency because at that time it was David's turn to go to Iraq. I must say it was probably the sweetest and most sincere exchange of vows I had ever witnessed. OK--just a little sap!

Checked the video. It's ready. I have to get on it so that Beth can create music to accompany it before I, yes, take my mother shoe shopping.

Back to Shannon.
I love you, Shannon, and I'm very proud of you. Be safe. Go with God.


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