Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Green Valley Book Fair

One of Virginia's best kept secrets is the Green Valley Book Fair in Harrisonburg! This event happens six times a year (two weeks each time) in an enormous warehouse right in the middle of cornfields and cow pastures. When I first heard about it I imagined these used beat-up paperbacks on sale for a dime but it's quite the contrary. The books are all new and range from any topic under the sun. For example, I bought books on CD for young elementary school students for $3 each (regularly $10). I bought paperback novels for $2 (regularly $7-15). Now, with gas prices the way they are, you certainly wouldn't want to make the trip for one or two books. This is a fun day trip--load up the car with several people and make a day of it. They accept charge cards, checks, and cash. The next fair begins August 16th and runs through September 1st. I've gone at the beginning of the fair and at the end of the fair and didn't notice a difference in inventory. In other words, the books never seemed picked over. To find out more about it go to

I will be at the book fair this Saturday. I'm taking a friend, two of her children, and my two daughters camping tomorrow through Saturday near Harrisonburg. We'll pack up Saturday and shop for books.

What can I say? After last weekend I have the camping bug. I have a brand new tent and I want to get a little use out of it before school starts. So, look for my blog entry this weekend regarding our camping adventures. I'm by no means a camping connoisseur but I will be the most experienced in the bunch which should make for an interesting outing, to say the least! If you never hear from me again, donations can be made to "Save the Children" in lieu of flowers.


Ktea said...

camping...have fun with that! and that book fair sounds really cool, i might have to go someday...


Beth said...

I am loving your blog.

Connie Kottmann said...

I'm bookmarking your RSS on my google reader so I can keep up with you! welcome to the blogosphere!

Kelley said...

You crack me up. I wanna go to the book fair soooooooooo bad. But I guess my kids want to have food for the next month. They are sooo picky.