Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Have you ever come across someone who is an authority on everything? Come on, you know you have. No matter how knowledgeable you may be or how much experience you may have, that person will always pipe in with information, as trivial as it may be, that exceeds whatever point you're trying to make--you know, one-up you! I don't consider myself a one-upper however, I have discovered that one-upping is contagious! Yes, when I am one-upped I find myself searching for ways to up that. Does that make me a two-upper or just a double one-upper? Nevertheless, from now on I vow to stand firm when confronted with a one-upper. Rather than search for ways to interject or demonstrate my expertise, I will surround the one-upper with sympathy and love for I understand that a one-upper needs reassurance and security. So, here's to you, one-upper! I will strive to re-evaluate how I relate to people and hopefully, with a little practice, I will find myself immuned to one-upping!


Jackie said...

well...I myself know a one-upper...matter of fact, I have already done a post about one-upping....a year ago. Matter of fact, it won a "bloggers" prize for most interesting post. Mine was a couple paragraphs longer that yours.....LOL!!! Just kidding!
Great post Regina!

Beth said...

Now of course you know we are all wondering....


So what I hear you saying is...that somebody one-upped you and you didn't like it...and....

Maybe I'm not listening well enough...

samsmama said...

ok, tell us....what happened? what did 'they' say that one upped you? really, we want to know!

Ginabel1 said...

I wrote this just days prior to my pastor's sermon on listening. I think we are all, in a sense, a one-upper. It's human nature. I admit, when I hear a story that reminds me of a story of my own, I can't wait to pipe in my own story. Lately, though, I am challenging myself to keep my story (or one-up) to myself...not because it doesn't contribute to the conversation, but because it is giving me discipline and practice in listening instead of always thinking ahead to what I can say next.

Ginabel1 said...

I wrote this just days prior to my pastor's sermon on listening. I think we are all, in a sense, a one-upper. It's human nature. I admit, when I hear a story that reminds me of a story of my own, I can't wait to pipe in my own story. Lately, though, I am challenging myself to keep my story (or one-up) to myself...not because it doesn't contribute to the conversation, but because it is giving me discipline and practice in listening instead of always thinking ahead to what I can say next.