Saturday, September 27, 2008

Last Letter to Santa

My family and I spent much of last night going through keepsakes in my old cedar chest. I was amazed at the things I had managed to save: school report cards, my children's artwork from early elementary school, homemade Mother's Day cards, all the letters my father had written to me while I was in the military, and the list goes on...With each object retrieved from the chest, there was a story to accompany it. One item we came across was a letter Rachel had written to Santa in December 2001.

The story: Rachel was nine years old when she wrote that letter and, although most of her friends had told her that Santa didn't exist, she wanted so desperately to hold onto that belief. One day after school, Rachel asked, "Mom, are you and Dad really Santa Claus? My friends say that you are." I asked, "Do you really want to know?" and she replied, "Yes." I told her to come into my bedroom, that I didn't want Morgan to hear, and then I said, "Yes, your dad and I are Santa." She looked at me, tears filling her eyes, and yelled, "You're lying! There is a Santa!" I did what any other loving, nurturing mother would do. I looked her straight in the eye and said, "Yes, you're right. There IS a Santa." From that day on, we never spoke another word about the existence of Santa. The Christmas holiday in the Revels household proceded as normal. The exchange between Rachel and I did, however, sparke a letter to Santa. This would be the last letter she would ever write to Santa. Here it is, errors and all, a letter from a nine-year-old:

Dear Santa Claus,
Are you real? My mom said she is santa. It is me remember Rachel ______. I have a lot of things on my list already. I don't trust my mom. My sister is a pain in the neck. Last year you wrote to me after I wrote to you. The things down below are the things I want for Christmas. You don't have to get me every thing just a few things. Please write to me if you are real. The thing I want the most is a best friend that only I can see and they can live with me. My real best friend is not in my class and she never comes over. November 18, 2001 my best friend was sopposed to come over but my mom would not let her she promisd she could come over but she would not let her. I know this is along letter but I have a lot of things to tell you about. November 21, 2001 I brought a bug to school I showed it to my Principal she thought it was cool. I showed it to my teacher and she was scared of it. This is the list.

List of toys
1. Harry Potter doll
2. Barbie volys wagon
3. A big jeep
4. A piano that can fit in my room
5. Harry Potter
6. A couple of hip hop cds
7. A flexible chair
8. Some movies
9. Air snare



Jackie said...

Rachel!!!!! How precious!!! I will tell you the truth, Rach....

Ginabel1 said...

Yes, Santa lives on.

shannonashley said...

I think I remember Rachel telling me the story about when she found out that Santa wasn't real. Haha...she left out the letter part. That is too cute!

YesNoMaybeSo said...

Please post more stories about Rachel, they are so fascinating and hilarious!!!! HHAHAHAH

this is jen hall by the way